anon prayed earlier for spiritual guidance.
Probably the longest prayer anon had ever posted,
Anon does not follow any religion but the teachings or older wiser adepts of old in the scriptures.
To humble once self before renewing this spiritual battle.
We here are doing out bit, anonymously, as brave as this is, with all the sacrifice's made and all the the truths exposed. The level of evil faced down, to examine our very soul and reach down deep to the darkness and still be here after all these years.
It truly is a holy spiritual war and we anons should still be humble, Why?
Because those in the public eye like ArchBishop Vigano is fighting a war which we could not even imagine against the dark heart of the forces of evil at the vatican.
He may not be there physically but rest assured, every word he writes is worth investigating and researching.
A very very brave soul.
God protect him, a True Crusader
linked below, highly recommended read from humble note taker
Vigano on Canale Italia 2 April 2022
English translation of the interview released by Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano to Dr. ArmandoManocchia for channel TV “Canale Italia”, April 2, 2022