Great thread by @BuckSexton
Think about the implications here- Twitter has been effectively giving in kind donations to Democrat politicians for years, perhaps a decade, tilting elections in favor of Democrats, outside the reach out the FEC But "It's the Algo!" they bleated bullshit
Partisan activists posing as "conversational health specialists" at Twitter have been throttling conservative accounts for years (have personal experience with this) overtly and covertly, never mind the obviously partisan decisions about what's "trending" etc
Does anyone really think the New York Post story on the Hunter Biden laptop was the only massive election impacting story Twitter suppressed? What else did they decide would be throttled, quietly, behind the scenes? "its they Algo! super complicated tech!" they lied
What topics and ideas were systematically elevated via Twitter's censors and Leftist boosters over the years? Given the number of absolute lunatic Marxists on here with blue hair, a blue check, and 100,000 followers advocating for transgender surgery for small children…
Im gonna go out on the limb and guess thatthe depth of Twitter's propaganda efforts- all in favor of the Left- will be STUNNING if exposedto public view This platform steered, if not stole, elections. It allowed for the constant pile-on humiliation of conservatives while…
Always protecting lunatics libs from public rebuke and humiliation of their moronic ideas. Speaking of humiliation, that's one thing leftists absolutely cant handle- jokes or satire. It's why Twitter constantly used "terms of service" (or "the algo!") to silence right wing memes
A deep dive into the back end of Twitter will inevitably show that they dont just have their hand on the scale for the Left- they have both their elbows and all their body weight pressing down, when it really counts (election time) And their dumbass ideas cant withstand scrutiny
and if (please Elon! finish them!) we ever do get a public airing of just how much suppression and censorship has gone on, will any intelligent person think that this is the only platform that engages in it? Facebook, and Google have "Algos" too, folks
let's hope Elon followers through with this.Scorched earth, smoke out the libs, crush "the ALGO," save the First Amendment. The Republic is at stake.
Comment from a reader
Michael Davies@Well_Good_Grief
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There may be a lot of shredding happening at Twitter this morning.