Anonymous ID: b92f9e April 16, 2022, 12:16 p.m. No.16088331   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8334 >>8810



The IBM Research headquarters at the Thomas J. Rockefeller University in New York houses a dilution refrigerator where IBM’s quantum processors are made. The Watson Research Center is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. A quantum processor is used to interact with a quantum circuit model.


What Is Ibm Q Network?

A community of Fortune 500 companies, academic institutions, startups, and national research labs collaborating with IBM to advance quantum computing is called the IBM Quantum Network.


Is Ibm Q Experience Free?

Through our quantum cloud services, IBM quantum devices are available to the public. We offer free access to IBM Quantum devices and the IBM Quantum Network, which offers more advanced quantum systems.


Is Ibm Quantum Computer Real?

“The Q System One is IBM’s first fully integrated universal quantum computing system designed for scientific and commercial applications,” the company claims. However, that is a description that needs to be understood in a broader context. Although the Q System One is designed for commercial use, it is not ready for prime time.


How Many Qubits Are There In Ibm Q System 1?

A 20-qubit computer is the IBM Q System One. In a 2.x system, this integrated quantum computing system is housed. 7×2. 7×2. An airtight glass cube that maintains a controlled environment of 7 m in size.


Where Is The Quantum Computer Located?

IBM released the Quantum System One in 2019, claiming it is the world’s first commercial quantum computer; however, until now, users have only been able to access the device over the cloud, by connecting to IBM’s Quantum Computation Center in Poughkeepsie, New York.


What Is The Ibm Q Network?

The IBM Q Hubs are regional centers of quantum computing education, research, development, and implementation that provide cloud access to IBM quantum technology to researchers and developers.


Is Ibm Q Free?

We offer free access to IBM Quantum devices and the IBM Quantum Network, which offers more advanced quantum systems.


How Many Qubits Are There In Ibm Q?

Now you can get Qubits in the most powerful IBM Quantum machines.


How Do I Use Ibm Q Experience?

Click here to access the IBM Q Experience. In this section, you will find a composer, which looks like the image below. Writing quantum programs is done in the composer’s office. In default mode, the first five qubits are from a real quantum processor, known as ibmqx4.


Has Anyone Actually Built A Quantum Computer?

For the first time, Big Blue has built a quantum computer outside of its US data centers. IBM’s Quantum System One, the country’s first superconducting quantum computer, was unveiled by the Fraunhofer Institute.


Is Quantum Technology Real?

In quantum technology, sub-atomic particles are entangled and quantum superposition are achieved using the principles of quantum mechanics (the physics of sub-atomic particles). Using quantum sensing, healthcare imaging can be more accurate. The power of computing is greater.


What Type Of Qubits Does Ibm Use?

IBM Quantum uses a physical type of qubit called a superconducting transmon qubit, which is made of superconducting materials such as niobium and aluminum, patterned on a silicon substrate.


Is A Qubit 1 Or 0?

It is possible to measure a qubit in two ways: by taking the value “0” and “1”, or by taking a bit or binary digit. In contrast, a bit can only be in a 0 or 1 state, but a bit can be in a coherent superposition of both in quantum mechanics.

Anonymous ID: b92f9e April 16, 2022, 2:07 p.m. No.16088785   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8788 >>8793 >>8805

Liquid Computing

Harvard Magazine



Imagine a computer, suspended in a flask of liquid, which assembles itself when the liquid is poured onto a desktop. Sound like science fiction? Hyman professor of chemistryCharles Lieberis making it happen in his laboratory, where researchers have already created tiny logic circuits and memorythe two main components of a computerin just this manner. And these circuits are tiny, just a few atoms across.


Lieber and his team of chemists have done a kind of end-run around the silicon-based microelectronics industry, which for the last 35 years has been making transistorstiny switches that can be either on or offexponentially smaller every 18 to 24 months. Intel chairman emeritus Gordon Moore observed this doubling of computing capacity as early as 1965, and his observation became codified as "Moore's Law." However, says Lieber, "continued shrinkage ultimately becomes problematic in terms of just how one achieves [it]." Scientists anticipate that we will reach the limits of our ability to create silicon chips using standard fabrication line methods sometime between 2012 and 2017.


That's because manufacturers today create microelectronic circuits either by depositing silicon on a surface or by etching it away (for example, with acid). But just as metal after it rusts "is sort of rough," says Lieber, current methods for working with silicon leave rough surfaces that, on the nanometer scale (a nanometer is one billionth of a meter, or one hundred-thousandth the width of a human hair), constitute an ever greater proportion of the tiny wires that make up those circuits. "Ultimately, you can't keep using those methods," he says, "because things will be very non-uniform on a small scale. The smaller circuits become, the more imperfections in the manufacturing process begin to play a role in their performance."


Lieber has "philosophical differences" with the industry's "top-down" approach to nanotechnologytaking big things and making them smaller. "The way to truly revolutionize the future," he says, "is to take a completely different approach: build things from the bottom up." He has done that by starting with the smallest of building blockswires only three nanometers across that can be produced relatively cheaply on a bench top with a few thousand dollars' worth of equipment.


Lieber makes the building blocks using a catalyst that favors growth in only one direction. A key characteristic of the process he developed is that it enables nanowires to be prepared in virtually any "flavor" (i.e., with specific conductive properties). Mixing and matching flavors can then lead to different types of devices. The devices are made in an equally simple manner: an alcohol solution of a specific nanowire flavor is poured through a grooved channel in a polymer block to produce an array of parallel wires. Another set of wires can be laid perpendicular to the first simply by rotating the apparatus 90 degrees. Already, his lab has produced a transistor just 10 atoms across.


The potential application in microelectronics is obvious: the minute size of these building blocks allows for higher transistor densities, which could lead, at least in principle, to more highly integrated and powerful computers. In 10 or 20 years there might be no more need for hard disks, because solid-state memory could store so much data. The nanowire computers of the future will be quite different from those we use today because they will require new kinds of computer architecture and software. Ultimately, the most exciting thing about nanotechnologies is not the sheer power that such a computer could provide, says Lieber, but the fact that "you get fundamentally new properties that you can't even conceive of when dealing with conventional materials by scaling them down."


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Anonymous ID: b92f9e April 16, 2022, 2:07 p.m. No.16088788   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8793 >>8805



In very small objects, for example, the ratio of the surface area to the interior volume is much larger. "Things that happen at the surface can therefore affect the whole structure," says Lieber. While an electrical engineer might regard that as a problem, it is a property that can be used to advantage. "Normally a molecule binding to the surface of a transistor wouldn't have a big effect," he explains, "but imagine a protein with a charge on it coming up to something very small, where the surface is a big component. You bring this charged body up, and it biologically or chemically switches the transistor. In essence, you can electrically detect when you have a protein, a nucleic acid, or anything else." What you have created is a sensor.


Hence, Lieber is now working on a "proof of concept" for the National Cancer Institute that will demonstrate the use of nanowire sensors for early detection of prostate cancer. In principle, he says, you could design a centimeter-square chip to detect a billion things simultaneously, even variations in an individual's DNA. An undergraduate student of his is taking this idea even further, and working to create a biological computing interface.


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Anonymous ID: b92f9e April 16, 2022, 2:08 p.m. No.16088793   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8805




Another unusual property of Lieber's nanowires is ballistic conductivitythat is, when you introduce an electron into such a system, it travels through the conductor without losing energy. This property could help reduce the heating that occurs when electrons flow through normal wiresa serious problem in highly integrated electronics. One of Lieber's graduate students has combined nanowires to create light sources and detectors. This would allow optical circuits"light is always much faster than electrons," says Lieberto be integrated into a nanowire-based computer. "Who knows?" he says. "This may be a way of enabling the concept of quantum computing."


In classical computers, transistors or bits must be either on or off, set to one or to zero. But in a quantum computer, the bits are simultaneously both one and zero. This is called a superposition. Light exhibits this property in the sense that it is both a wave and a particle: it is a wave, or kind of superposition, until it is detected; at that moment, it becomes a particle, a single photon in a single place. Superposition theoretically allows quantum computers to solve complex algorithms (such as those used in cryptography) that would be impossible for a conventional computer to tackle. The time may be ripe for a new motto: Think small. Really small.


~Jonathan Shaw


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Liquid Computing

Anonymous ID: b92f9e April 16, 2022, 2:11 p.m. No.16088805   🗄️.is 🔗kun





watch the water


Water as a Quantum Computing Device


Edward G. Belaga, Daniel Grucker, Tarek Khalil, Jean Richert & Kees van Schenk Brill

Conference paper

759 Accesses


1 Altmetric


Part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNTCS,volume 5715)



We propose a new approach in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) technology for quantum computing. Two basic elements for quantum computation are qubits and interaction. Traditionnally in NMR, qubits are obtained by considering the spin states of certain atoms of a specific molecule. The interaction that is necessary to create qubit gates such as Control-NOT is then made possible by the spin-spin coupling that exists in such a molecule. One of the drawbacks of this method is the low scalability. More qubits usually means finding an entire different molecule to label the qubits.


We take a different view on the NMR approach. We use a water tube as quantum computer where qubits are defined by the spins which have the same frequency resonance in a small interval defined by the NMR linewidth. Two fundamental roadblocks have to be crossed before this method can even be considered as a possible quantum computation technique: single qubits need to be identified and adressed and an interaction between these qubits has to exist to create two-qubit gates.


We settle the first of these problems by using a magnetic field gradient applied in the main magnetic field direction. The application of a magnetic field gradient during the RF pulse induces a rotation only of those spins whose resonant frequency is equal to the bandwidth of the RF pulse, therefore a qubit can be defined by its resonant frequency and manipulated by selective RF pulses. The main advantage of creating qubits in this way is scalability. As qubits are no longer atoms of a specific molecule but segments of our water tube, increasing the number of qubits would hypothetically just mean increasing the number of segments by applying a stronger magnetic field gradient. Another potential advantage can be obtained during the initialisation phase of the qubits. The second roadblock, the problem of creating interaction between qubits, is work in progress. As for now we are investigating the use of the dipole-dipole interaction between the spins to generate a coupling between the spins in order to create entanglements.

Anonymous ID: b92f9e April 16, 2022, 2:12 p.m. No.16088809   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8811 >>8822

Quantum computing: Exotic particle had an 'out-of-body experience'

An unexpected finding could advance quantum computers and high-temperature superconductors


August 24, 2021


DOE/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory


Scientists have taken a clear picture of electronic particles that make up a mysterious magnetic state calledquantum spin liquid(QSL). The achievement could facilitate the development of superfast quantum computers and energy-efficient superconductors. The scientists are the first to capture an image of how electrons in a QSL decompose into spin-like particles called spinons and charge-like particles called chargons.


Scientists have taken the clearest picture yet of electronic particles that make up a mysterious magnetic state called quantum spin liquid (QSL).


The achievement could facilitate the development of superfast quantum computers and energy-efficient superconductors.


The scientists are the first to capture an image of how electrons in a QSL decompose into spin-like particles called spinons and charge-like particles called chargons.


"Other studies have seen various footprints of this phenomenon, but we have an actual picture of the state in which the spinon lives. This is something new," said study leader Mike Crommie, a senior faculty scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and physics professor at UC.


"Spinons are like ghost particles. They are like the Big Foot of quantum physics – people say that they've seen them, but it's hard to prove that they exist," said co-author Sung-Kwan Mo, a staff scientist at Berkeley Lab's Advanced Light Source. "With our method we've provided some of the best evidence to date."


A surprise catch from a quantum wave


In a QSL, spinons freely move about carrying heat and spin – but no electrical charge. To detect them, most researchers have relied on techniques that look for their heat signatures.


Now, as reported in the journal Nature Physics, Crommie, Mo, and their research teams have demonstrated how to characterize spinons in QSLs by directly imaging how they are distributed in a material.


To begin the study, Mo's group at Berkeley Lab's Advanced Light Source (ALS) grew single-layer samples of tantalum diselenide (1T-TaSe2) that are only three-atoms thick. This material is part of a class of materials called transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs). The researchers in Mo's team are experts in molecular beam epitaxy, a technique for synthesizing atomically thin TMDC crystals from their constituent elements.


Mo's team then characterized the thin films through angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, a technique that uses X-rays generated at the ALS.


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Anonymous ID: b92f9e April 16, 2022, 2:13 p.m. No.16088811   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8822


Using a microscopy technique called scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), researchers in the Crommie lab including co-first authors Wei Ruan, a postdoctoral fellow at the time, and Yi Chen, then a UC Berkeley graduate student injected electrons from a metal needle into the tantalum diselenide TMDC sample.


Images gathered by scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) an imaging technique that measures how particles arrange themselves at a particular energy revealed something quite unexpected: a layer of mysterious waves having wavelengths larger than one nanometer (1 billionth of a meter) blanketing the material's surface.


"The long wavelengths we saw didn't correspond to any known behavior of the crystal," Crommie said. "We scratched our heads for a long time. What could cause such long wavelength modulations in the crystal? We ruled out the conventional explanations one by one. Little did we know that this was the signature of spinon ghost particles."


How spinons take flight while chargons stand still


With help from a theoretical collaborator at MIT, the researchers realized that when an electron is injected into a QSL from the tip of an STM, it breaks apart into two different particles inside the QSL – spinons (also known as ghost particles) and chargons. This is due to the peculiar way in which spin and charge in a QSL collectively interact with each other. The spinon ghost particles end up separately carrying the spin while the chargons separately bear the electrical charge.


In the current study, STM/STS images show that the chargons freeze in place, forming what scientists call a star-of-David charge-density-wave. Meanwhile, the spinons undergo an "out-of-body experience" as they separate from the immobilized chargons and move freely through the material, Crommie said. "This is unusual since in a conventional material, electrons carry both the spin and charge combined into one particle as they move about," he explained. "They don't usually break apart in this funny way."


Crommie added that QSLs might one day form the basis of robust quantum bits (qubits) used for quantum computing. In conventional computing a bit encodes information either as a zero or a one, but a qubit can hold both zero and one at the same time, thus potentially speeding up certain types of calculations. Understanding how spinons and chargons behave in QSLs could help advance research in this area of next-gen computing.


pt 2

Anonymous ID: b92f9e April 16, 2022, 2:15 p.m. No.16088822   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8894



Another motivation for understanding the inner workings of QSLs is that they have been predicted to be a precursor to exotic superconductivity. Crommie plans to test that prediction with Mo's help at the ALS.


"Part of the beauty of this topic is that all the complex interactions within a QSL somehow combine to form a simple ghost particle that just bounces around inside the crystal," he said. "Seeing this behavior was pretty surprising, especially since we weren't even looking for it."


Story Source:


Materials provided by DOE/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.


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