Anonymous ID: 122f5f April 18, 2022, 6:46 a.m. No.16099110   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9127 >>9141


The Conversation

'Deprogramming' QAnon followers ignores free will and why they adopted the beliefs in the first place

Paul Thomas, Chair and Professor of Religious Studies, Radford University - Yesterday 12:23 PM


Recent calls to deprogram QAnon conspiracy followers are steeped in discredited notions about brainwashing. As popularly imagined, brainwashing is a coercive procedure that programs new long-term personality changes. Deprogramming, also coercive, is thought to undo brainwashing.


As a professor of religious studies who has written and taught about alternative religious movements, I believe such deprogramming conversations do little to help us understand why people adopt QAnon beliefs. A deprogramming discourse fails to understand religious recruitment and conversion and excuses those spreading QAnon beliefs from accountability.


These “cult-recovery experts,” some of whom were involved with the old deprogramming model, are now being used for QAnon deprogramming advice.


Some, like Ross advocate for a more aggressive intervention approach. Others, like Hassan, offer a gentler approach that includes active listening. Cult specialist Pat Ryan says he only recommends intervention after a thorough assessment in conjunction with a mental health professional.


Despite the pivot to exit counseling, the language of deprogramming persists. The concept of deprogramming rests on the idea that people do not choose alternative beliefs. Instead, beliefs that are deemed too deviant for mainstream culture are thought to result from coercive manipulation by nefarious entities like cult leaders. When people call for QAnon believers to be deprogrammed, they are implicitly denying that followers exercised choice in accepting QAnon beliefs.


This denies the personal agency and free will of those who became QAnon enthusiasts, and shifts the focus to the programmer. It can also relieve followers of responsibility for perpetuating QAnon beliefs.


As I suggested in an earlier article, and as evident in the QAnon influence on the Jan. 6, 2021, capital insurrection, QAnon beliefs can be dangerous. I believe those who adopt and perpetuate these beliefs ought to be held responsible for the consequences.


But applying a brainwashing and deprogramming discourse limits our potential to understand the grievances of the QAnon community. To suggest “they were temporarily out of their minds” relieves followers of the conspiracy of responsibility and shelters the rest of society from grappling with uncomfortable social realities.


To understand the QAnon phenomenon, I believe analysts must dig deeply into the social, economic and political factors that influence the adoption of QAnon beliefs.

Anonymous ID: 122f5f April 18, 2022, 6:50 a.m. No.16099124   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9139 >>9142 >>9155 >>9307



Donald Trump Jr. Posts Pic Of Armed Easter Bunnies; Twitter Critics Go Ballistic

Mary Papenfuss - 9h ago


On the holiest day of the Christian calendar, Donald Trump Jr. posted an image on Instagram of three Easter bunnies carrying automatic rifles and wearing camo.


Trump Jr. labeled the image with the hashtag “Easter”:


The former president’s son posted the picture after three mass shootings occurred in the U.S. over the weekend.


One Trump Jr. supporter crowed “Patriots!” in response to the post. Others were not so impressed:


I get that the whole point of this is to troll and get Democrats to go crazy, but in all honesty it’s not a coincidence that violence in America - often off the wall, hair trigger violence - has skyrocketed since the Trumps came to dominate political debate in America.