Who Is The Real Architect of The Matrix? w/ Tom Althouse
This is a mind blowing interview, but it seems too crazy and centralized around this one man’s first screenplay to be true. Maybe the original screenplay was stolen, but Althouse is being forced out as a pawn to taint the truth laden in all the little side truth bomb revelations he drops. Despite the LARPY warning signs, so many themes and the little side stories about Hollywood seem to resonate powerfully with so many other truths coming out in recent years.
For example, his revelation that Hollywood’s primary MO is stealing creativity from humanity and then giving credit to others who don’t deserve it.
Consider how Led Zeppelin and many other great rock bands of that era were built upon the creativity of poor black blues musicians.
And if you extend this theme more broadly across the entire corporate elite, it raises profound questions about how Nicola Tesla was defrauded of his brilliant ideas.
We know now that the patents on networking computer programming algorithms used to construct social media apps were stolen by IP attorneys associated with the Clintons and then used by DARPA to create the metadata surveillance database lifelog, which was later privatized as “Facebook” for which Hollywood then created the fictional backstory for Zuckerturd to be the creator.
Bill Gates bought the rights to MS DOS from creative computer geeks working in their garage and then sold it to IBM with lifetime royalties. The Gates empire is not a reflection of his own creative genius, but rather he is merely a humanitarian construct propped up by various PR firms. Gates openly admitted that one reason he was hanging out with Jeffery Epstein was because Epstein had influence over members of the Nobel Prize committee and Gates wanted one to cement his FAKE legacy as being worthy.
This interview also makes me wonder who really wrote the screenplay for the movie LEGOS, which in my opinion is a brilliant and profound allegory. As I recall, the LEGOs screenplay too was allegedly written by two gay brothers.
It makes me wonder who really wrote the “5th wave”, a great movie based on a book with great literary reviews allegedly written by this openly atheist author whose two follow up books to the first flopped badly.
It makes me wonder about the backstory to Weinstein owning the movie rights to the great book, “The Alchemist”, a work if done properly as a movie could have a profoundly positive effect on humanity. Who owns it now?
It makes me wonder where George Lukas really got his ideas for Star Wars.
It makes me wonder if Hollywood, like Big Pharma does with CUREs, either steals or buys the IP rights and then shelves the stuff that could serve humanity in a positive way.