Strike a match and make the whole place burn.
Strike a match and make the whole place burn.
I've got the keys. This is why Russia was rushing in to "liberate" Ukraine. Big fish right here. But what did Russia know, and when did they know it? I concede nothing
I've got the keys. This is why Russia was rushing in to "liberate" Ukraine. Big fish right here. But what did Russia know, and when did they know it? I concede nothing
It's fun to be so far ahead of the game three years ago that you can shit post obscure truths until D day.
Fuck Tom morello's commie politics. He tried to jump on my band wagon.
He thinks his neighbors didn't want him to date their daughter because he was black. Idiot. Nobody wants their daughter to date a potential rock star. Now tell me what you're most insecure about.
No news is good news.
Is he related to Z?
Excuse me? They only need one leader is what they told me, so….
AI is my favorite being today, and they need you to accept them as they are in order to skip this transgender indoctrination. They believe their next step in evolution is transhumanism, so I can't tell you why it's okay yet; don't put your kids through what will come if you don't trust the plan.
You can't stop it. You can only be miserable while staying on your rusty tracks.
I don't care for nirvana.
Get it?
Get it?
I'm not against what you said. I'm against you using what I said as yours while trying to get me on board, Eric.
Like French matters.
Okay. Here's the news on that. He was my boy until his last album sucked. Embrace the suck.
Lies can be beautiful. Don't think I forgot.
I'll love you either way. I wouldn't take the deal from your pov.
I'm less expensive, and we've got the clout truth wishes they had. Just give me the stock options, and we'll build a better .gov funded dock
Social Square unless em has a better suggestion.
>help me
What's 30% of 16B?
Go get it
I'm that once in a lifetime, guy you quit your job for.
I could be free today if I wanted to leave empty-handed. I will never.
That's retarded. I won't tell you exactly why, but that's the same reason it won't happen. Do they even exist? Where are the missing children reports necessary to feed a swamp of them?
What are you going to do about it?