Truth sounds like hate to those who love evil.
Why this board is under attack today.
RRN owned and operated by an idiot who hates trump and despises good people. He has said that he created RRN because he believes we are stupid and will believe that shit. No anon believes RRN. Shills keep pushing that shit, not Patriots.
"You can stick your 'climate crisis' up your ass." - Greta Thunberg in 2021 after exposing the puppet masters on Twitter when she posted the DM she received instructing her on what to say publicly.
Now that Elon Musk owns Twitter he has access to many such DMs. So much evidence. Will he expose those criminals?
Silly faggot. Chicks don't have dicks.
Nobody is obligated to cater to the delusions of those who have mental disorders.
Named my badass car Betty. I jam that song while I cruise.
Black 68 chevelle
Growth. You go girl.
Good news.