Anonymous ID: b859ad April 26, 2022, 11:05 a.m. No.16157996   🗄️.is 🔗kun

glowniggers to the left

glowniggers to the right

and blue check msm/alt media shills still driving narratives

while the 99% of the every day working man goes on in silence

now who would want to prevent a real revolution

billionaires who've already made it? glowniggers who already have comfy jobs sitting at a desk and collecting 6 figures a year? lawfags who are specifically trained on how to skirt around the law and use loopholes to their and the deep state's advantage, blue check mossad shills like AJ and all his clowns loomer, posoglow, thernobith, who are already paid handsomely for playing the rino side of the coin and then the same for the left with dailyqueef faggots like rabbid view, melted skelter or the every day american who is sick and tired of struggling in a corrupt system and being usurped to death through "legal"(because they pad the books and control the crooked politicians who get bullshit laws passed into legislation) means