Um, guise
Red Castle/GreenCastle
Q Posts here:
Was digging on Rothschild's real last name, had read it was changed to Rothschild, came across this site:
Isaak Elchanan who took the name Rothschild from a small house he occupied at the southern end of the Judengasse called zum Roten Schild ("House at the Red Shield").
''Mayer Amschel Rothschild was born in the Hinterpfann in 1744. He lived here throughout his childhood and much of his married life, until, in 1784, together with his wife Gutle and their first five children, he was able to buy a larger house in the Judengasse.
House at the Green Shield
This property was known as the "House at the Green Shield''
Is this the Red Castle/Green Castle? We've thought Army Corps of Engineers.