If anons are having a difficult time getting to some .ru sites, switch VPN to Argentina. Usually no issue getting through from there.
Hypnosis fren. The programming runs deep. We're all human, and none perfect. Missteps become distractions as people dive deeper into the spell. Am constantly reminding myself to put love first and continue to be patient while still falling short and being humbled over and over.
Did you know there's this theory that all four gospels were based on the same work, possibly Matthew itself? This is called the "Q" source. It's funny because, well, Jesus taught his followers how to have a direct relationship with God. He taught them to pray as he did, and seek to mimic his thoughts. What makes it even more interesting is the thing "I AM" is what the lawyers got the most pissed about. They couldn't have the people learning they didn't need to be controlled anymore. Shit's real cray if you think about it!