Time is just like anything else… Just a distraction.
What are they distracting from?
Time is just like anything else… Just a distraction.
What are they distracting from?
died in 2017 and he made the full cover of the local news, purely out of popularity. He wasn't the richest or most charitable by any means, he just had a great personality. I never tried coke because i remember one morning, in 5th grade when he was washing a bag of this suspected substance down the bathoom sink when I was brushing my teeth getting ready for school. I wasnt sure if it was the same as the picture I saw the officer show us in D.A.R.E. but In my heart I knew. His legacy shows that he was loved by many. To me… I'm still not sure, but I will try alone Coca Cola and hope it is true
Are the gangstalkers here?