You shitbags are why we can't have nice things…..
Money over souls
Name of 🎮
Tender woman of truth
Oh tender woman
Damn Medusa wunderland of sneks
Oops too much xxstrogen
For the male cameltoe club…..
Some grade A internet bullllllllllllllllshitake
Serial brain thread
QSG #3 thread
Jim Watkins TG chat….
Postmasters basic wanna circle jerk
Internet is beyond dumb today
Q really wants the mom's to fight front lines… That's so ghey
It tickles my almond in a bad way
Soldiers nope
state reps oOoOO don't be mean
School … Not worth breathe atm
Military .. pentagram
NGOs.. billionaire bread baskets
Philanthropists.. genocidal billionaires
Moms tho…. Psy op the crap out of them.. Q+
Nice job ad above..
Nice timing
Mucho slide
Watching whole time prob… join band of volunteer time donators to be harvested moar
Excess pro homo
Huey manity ….
Identify as digital attack helicopter … So cute mucho hearts and likes for youu
Believe me hands
Some building are kept deep freezer cold for A reason
Scare away the warm blooded
More pay for ▶️… All paY not bueno plays
33 mil
NATO star
She kinda looks like me..
This Psy op is so hinky finkle
Muh donations
What is this a circle jerk spurm bank basically…
Many depositxx
VOTivES btfo ..
Act your gender not your iQ size
Anon wunders
If you've got to pay to talk . Not free speech..
Get it.
Pay to press ▶️
Bartered speech . Gated sure..
Far from free unless iRL and a cup of water handy
Digital platforms are excess homo booster seats .. gravitas has weight
Even phone is a filter
Too many filters to make ⏩ advance
Black mirror chasing tails b kind revind
Rant over…
Xx … Excess xx for male cameltoe club
Violated by prez
keks on twit
Current Year post Id tho
Ti(gh)t coils..
The problems
Are bigger
Than you'd imagine
Trust me