IT'S 8:30, the chosen have eaten. Never before has the invited guests had to sit this long before the show. Where's Noah?
There's a shot of Sec. of State Blinken. What's that pussy doing there?
The live camera picked up Jen Psaki at the head table. Some guy was talking to her, looked like she's has a glass of water. I'm telling you anons, Jen Psaki is the enemy's star tonight. And she's ready.
Believe it's bigger than that anon. I'm talking about in their demented minds, not reality.
HOORAY. cnn's Pamela Brown is off her cnn chair and in at the ball. She missed the Red Carpet photos but there she is, in the ballroom, with the camera on her.
If it was the younger me, I would walk through those tables and catch the eye of a cutie and, after catching her attention and getting into a conversation, I would say: what we doing here? We would be out of that ballroom in a second and heading to a room. Then like the younger me was, it would be another huge mistake. But the younger me didn't know any better. The younger me did have a chance at one of them there tonight. She would have said yes if I would have asked. I didn't ask.
Curling your lips, bearing your teeth and raking the food off the fork IS NOT NORMAL. IT'S ABNORMAL.
Countdown at 2 min 27 seconds.
Relax your ownself. One DOES NOT need to be taught the eat like a beast. That does not come naturally. Eating like that is a 'learned' experience. It's what psychopaths teach themselves
It's turned out to be what it always was: a hate Trump event. Awards being given out to the best actors in a Staring hate Trump role.
They get invited to the dinner and they have to pay for it. How much do those %$#^$'s pay?