Population Control FAGGOT is BIG MAD!
Population Control FAGGOT is BIG MAD!
Can there be high profile arrests already?
Obama releases a 719 word statement reacting to the leak of the draft court opinion on Roe v. Wade
Not really, is darker than that I think.
I mean Communism is just a component
Just look at Ukraine, the Nazi's are still a problem.
Fuck off and kys, glownigger
Does anyone have the pic of Zukerfuck with him showing the inside of his jacket?
That would certainly put 99% in the hospital if they knew.
YOU'RE GLOWING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Glownigger
The white hats can hear you breathing
It won't be because Obama was illegitimate due to being born in Kenya, so anything done under his watch is null. That includes gay marriage.