Don't know why, that pic just made water come out of my eyes
You can vote for abortion, but legalizing it doesn't make it constitutional. Any sane SCOTUS could and should strike it down on grounds that it violates the right to life.
Huh. So they just made it up out of their asses, ad hoc, as soon as Elon Musk said he was going to buy twatter. The enemy is reacting, making new plans every day to adapt to the battlefield, doesn't have any strategery anymore.
>Christians celebrate the anniversary of the BIRTH of Christ, NOT of his conception.
Sure they do, it's the Feast of the Annunciation, March 25.
May I have some sauce, please?
Some people take to discipline differently, regardless of their ability to operate as an independent individual. I've seen this in a person I know, who had a breakdown from the strict discipline exacted in military training, though for several years prior, was living independently as an adult.
It has nothing to do with challenging the courts, or about health.
It's an authorization to the foot soldiers by their masters that they should wear full facemasks in the upcoming abortion riots.
England (not Scotland) has an average elevation of 180 feet above sea level. Not difficult to swamp with a tidal wave, unlike some south pacific islands which are extinct volcanos, and much higher.
You may be onto something there. Look for news of a white conservative legislator whose daughter is raped.
Notice how many feeb arrests are the result of sting operations. Create a crime, then get credit for solving it.