Italian AF IAM1442 KC-767 on ground at JBA from Verona Villafranca Int'l Airport depart earlier today
Victory of Aragon 1442
Two of the most prolonged conflicts of the 1400s finished in the middle of the century: in north Italy, the Peace of Lodi was signed after wars between the rival cities and states, with the leading powers—Venice, Milan, Florence, Naples, and the Papal States—agreeing to honor each other’s current borders; several decades of peace followed. In the south, a struggle over the Kingdom of Naples was won by Alfonso V of Aragon, a patron of the Borgia family.
>>16177318 pb
SPAR28 USAF G5 ne from HIckam AFB
Indo-Pac brass heading to DC
Caught this AC leaving from New Delhi on 0429 under same callsign-it was Admiral John C Aquilino, commander of the US Indo-Pacific Command
Looks like he is heading to DC
>faggit sez wut?