Ministry of Truth Disinformation Governance Board.
Minions let loose after calls from Hillbags on twit.
Posting of Conservative Supreme Court Judges addresses and death threats.
U.N. WEF call for move up of 2030 Agenda time table.
Nancy calling for war with Russia, nuclear war be damned.
Riots started. Food production burning.
DHS, FBI, DOJ saying 'extremist' are planning on attacking the power structure of the U.S.
Biden saying MAGA are the most extreme political group out there and must be destroyed.
Yep.. either they are panicking about something coming or they have decided to go full take over of the U.S. now to save themselves and are planning on attacking Patriots?
What would you do if you were backed into a corner and the real polls showing you loosing any chance at your feudalistic hell dream and survival?