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Then put directly in the embed box the url of youtube video
>Where did our userbase go? Huh, we must have banned them all whoops. Now they're all building their own social platforms like we told them to. AH SHIT! CALL IT FAKE AND GAY!
If you want to work with them, answering a link left on an anonymous image board is not how you do it. Like the possibility of a scam telemarketer/email, you circumvent the offered pathway and use verifiable pathway to communicate.
But even still, wouldn't you think if they needed something that they would be up front about it? When Q needed anon's help, he asked for it specifically. But you CAN feed "their" info back to verify once you've used a known good comm pathway, just to see whether they were offering whatever or are now not wanting to be viewed that way by you. (Because that's the only thing you can be certain of if not verifying your prompt)
It's a fucking catfish. Guaranteed.
Yes, it's pointing out that his message isn't for him to act on, it's psywar shit. So the classic "ok then put up or shut up" applies. He's just trash talking to put it in OUR minds. That is all.
Try drawing a map of the globe without South China Sea as actually China's, how it used to be, as a CCP subsidiary company. They will come down on you hard no matter if you're a US based company. They will own you like they do all globe manufacturers and printers that have a chinese anything.