Isn't that the sociopath Linda Sarsour on the left in that pic?
Many of us can attest to this anon, the losing control of focus as well as impulse control.
A very significant part of it is the logic-defying excessive proliferation of microwave "convenience" technologies without unbiased long term biological effects testing, WIFI in particular. This is particularly true in apartment buildings. Why? Not only are there more WIFI AP's in a building, because everyone "needs" one in their home, but the materials of buildings and within them bounce around the WIFI microwaves within homes.
Stand close to a WIFI AP and you'll feel pressure in the stomach, perhaps a feeling akin to "I'll need to take a shit soon", as well as very subtle pinprick sensations along the skin, and in the extremities of the genitals.
Turn it off, and it all goes away.
If you have a computer with a wireless capability that can act as an AP, try some experiments with yourself.
Additionally, leave WIFI on where you sleep, and you will 100% not get a deep restful sleep. If you're in an apartment building, go rent a cabin in nature for a week and pay attention to the tremendous difference.
Then you have the electrical systems. Everything electricity runs through produces an electromagnetic field
get a multimeter, plug black into a grounded outlet or attach to a copper stake embedded in the earth (ensure it's grounded of course, use a testing tool for sockets)
hold the red with skin contact
set meter to measure AC Voltage
you become akin to a capacitor
as you enter various electromagnetic fields, the Voltage will rise with the proximal intensity of the field
This number is how much Voltage is running through you via the action of the field
The question that must be asked is, where does the charge go? Hello capacitor human
A remediation lies withing the concepts of Grounding / Earthing
We MUST be able to discharge
This is part of why it feels so good to walk barefoot in grass or on the beach
Within the house, we can leverage Grounding
All 3 pronged sockets (American) have a ground as we know
there are products out there for this sort of thing
but there's a very cheap homemade solution:
get copper wire (speaker wire is great)
get screen (like window screen) that is bare metal and not coated in plastic
strip ends of a segment of wire (length by choice, make it long enough to be useful) and either intertwine or solder one end to the screen
tightly ball up the other end of the wire, or buy a plug for it, and enter it in the socket ground
Testing whether it's working:
make pressurized skin contact with your constructed grounding screen (i.e. hold screen tightly in one hand, press between fingers)
utilize the Human Capacitor testing method, plug the black into a separate ground on a different electrical line, preferably.
Go about testing as above, releasing and regripping your grounded screen to see differences
NOTE: it's hard to get 0V in the city, but the closer you can get the better.
Over time, with experimentation and a good quality of health, you'll probably be able to start feeling / sensing the fields
Within me and the variety of people I've assisted with this, strong fields make you feel closer to what it feels to daydream, makes thoughts cloudy. Combined with the effects of WIFI, it is MUCH easier to lose your train of thought, mid-thought, and completely forget what it was you were thinking about.
There's much much much more to this anons, several years of research because I lost many years of productivity due to this. The worst of it I've solved for myself and many others, albeit places like these have a LOT of terrible things going on that are ruining the people within them.
Any anons interested further in this topic, feel free to reach out, perhaps we can start a board on remediations for what harangues the populace. And what I dropped is merely akin to scratching enough to draw blood.
NOTE: MOST of the issues we face with normies are due to a widespread and diverse attack on the nature of the human body, mind and spirit. There are a LOT of factors.
Knowledge is Power.
You have MORE than you know.
It's not a real fascination with that character
It's to shit in the batter, to pollute
Indifference & Filters are the best weapons to apply to bad actors like this