made last night
that anon was saying FUCK YOU to YOU
filter the muh bot shill early
ID 56ba12
cya next bread
you stupid muh joo shills don't know what a RHETORICAL question is
go bitch about muh holohoax on twatter
fuck off NasimShill
no one wants to understand some deranged tranny that shot up YT because her stupid videos were being "suppressed"
stfu and gtfo
for the nasim shills
take your muh holohoax bullshit with you to your Hamas interview
Israel is a good country and jooos are good people
The Earth IS spherical
Nasim WAS ugly and IS dead
Q is NOT a larp
AJ/C_rsi/all the other paytriot famefags are fake and gay
The BO is NOT a bot
did I miss any?