Elon is … and he is going to …
Thanks God
Robby Mook is in witness protection 100%. They flipped him.
The word is on the street guys. Jim's right. Many anons have been saying for 2+ days. We're here. Everybody needs to chip in. Now more than ever anons need to re-assure, comfort and get the word out. Don't scare people. They're freaking out enough. They were shown.
Grow up Junior. BO is doing what BO has been doing since BO came here - supporting anons.
ASS and FagJap/8butt, instead of saying, hey, we get it, new BO, how can we help, went on a terror spree against anons and every time it's a bit news day they terrorize the board once again. Get your players right moran.
We're a team that you're not a part of. How do you like them apples?
Patriots in control of the Financial System. The Cabal can't take it past the guard rails. Patriots have all the gold. All the Fed and Janet can do is drive numbers up and down.
Trust the plan anons. Nothing is coming apart. Notice the statement 'Patriots in control'
Control - Comfort and re-assure those around you. Those that are yelling fire in the movie theater should be taken with a grain of salt.
Chkd - anons - you're watching a movie. Enjoy and get plenty of popcorn. We're all ready. We're stocked up on food, water, meds and know that if we have to stay at home for 14 days we have everything we need. Flashlights, propane, portable cooking stove. All anons need is to be prepared.
This anon is comfy as all get out.
Quit trying to scare people. You're wrong and only telling half the story.
Ultra Potato
You can't see the forest for the trees. Elon has nothing to do with it. Moves and counter moves. The Cabal has no ammo. They're acting out their drama to stop the lights from coming on and notice the lights are coming on anyway. Wise up. You're seeing what they want you to see - fear porn and your projecting it on everybody else.
Thanks. God Bless You. o7