Gay Pride = A Gay Man being the first to testify against the Clinton Cartel and live to talk about it. To me, that's what Gay Pride should embrace.
At least now I know board management is paying attention. Get off your asses.
If the Schools shut down the Constitutional right to speech and religion because the schools are part of the government, then the People of America need to remove the government from our schools.
The BV put that banner in. I didn't bake with that banner. Take it up with them. Anon, you really are treating other anons very badly. What's wrong?
Oh, DOAR. filtered
25,772 years. It gives us the 12 'zodiac' ages
Board management must be on strike except to delete modify or block anything they don't like. Wow. Cut down on the soy guys.
I sure hope board management has what it takes when the chips are down. The last two days of not bothering to show up except to abuse anons is concerning.
Not at all. When something needs called out it needs called out. Time for a new crew possibly? Jim, what do you think?
Rain can't hear you and get pissed off. So, not the same.
It appears we'll need an Ebaker as the board staff is still nursing their hurt feelers. Get well soon.
Baker claiming the bake. Prepare for ebake
You really believe the board management doesn't hear me? how sad
I hope you're up and around again soon. You created a vacuum that nobody else can fill in such a short period.