DD → 44
>>16345677 chekk'd
pleasure to be of service, anon. not my work, though, and like you am grateful for it
>>16344883 ob Clockwork Qrange
did a new Clock graphic for the "Done in 30" hypothesis (i.e., 30 x 60-day Q-Clock cycles) that ends on Nov 11th, 2022.
ties in Q2288 via 11.11 and content ref to midterm elections. dasting that 2288 / 11 = 208 (ref to 11 x lunar month of 28 days?)
In emails from her private server made available to the public by WikiLeaks, Clinton’s close relationship to Lady de Rothschild is evident due to their warm exchanges which include phrases such as “You are the best […] Sweet dreams,” “I remain your loyal adoring pal,” and “Much love.” This is significant as, judging by Clinton’s other emails, her communication style is almost always curt and concise, never approaching the outright declarations of affection found only in her exchanges with Lady de Rothschild. Lady de Rothschild, married into the Rothschild family in 2000 after being introduced to Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, who alone is worth $20 billion, at the 1998 Bilderberg Conference. War criminal Henry Kissinger served as the couple’s “match-maker.”
Yet, the most bizarre interaction between Clinton and Lady de Rothschild took place in an email titled “Info for you” (ID#1606), which was sent while Clinton was serving as US Secretary of State. In the email, Clinton tells Lady de Rothschild that she had to ask Tony Blair (then-Prime Minister of England) to accompany her to Israel due to the Middle East peace negotiations taking place at the time. Blair had previously planned to spend the weekend in Aspen, Colorado with the Rothschilds at an unspecified conference, but accepted Clinton’s invitation. Clinton then says “I hope you all understand. […]Let me know what penance I owe you.”For those who are not familiar with the word, penance is defined as follows: “An act of self-mortification or devotion performed voluntarily to show sorrow for a sin or other wrongdoing.” Does this sound like something Hillary Clinton would normally say
18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them oradheres to their enemies,giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.