"and then Schumer rode bannongapes up mount angus for ass apple tablets of tRReason taxes"
"butt fuck schumer's wife was peanut butter and jealous"
"and then Schumer rode elongapes to saurkrauter lederhosen cANAL"
"butt fuck Jack's fake twat was peanut butter and jealous"
"and then Schumer contacted Putin pullsout and went cruising foHOm00 right past hillary.jpeg and DAnvilingus cause tehy was cucks"
"butt fuck israel peanut butter and jealous fake twat was in the closet bout trevor freeee call"
"and then Schumer and Putin pullsout declared "set your volcano freeee HOm00" at cucks and went frolicing to new juwerusalem"
schumer's wife still mad, juws died and left cuntry
it's a dude in dress
and then goebele tried to build a nest in dupont juw sphincter
we belieb in juw @RR
>we belieb in juw @RR
>we belieb in juw @RR
>we belieb in juw @RR
>and then goebele tried to build a nest in dupont juw sphincter
>it's a dude in dress
>schumer's wife still mad, juws died and left cuntry
>"and then Schumer and Putin pullsout declared "set your volcano freeee HOm00" at cucks and went frolicing to new juwerusalem"
>"butt fuck israel peanut butter and jealous fake twat was in the closet bout trevor freeee call"
>"and then Schumer contacted Putin pullsout and went cruising foHOm00 right past hillary.jpeg and DAnvilingus cause tehy was cucks"
>"butt fuck Jack's fake twat was peanut butter and jealous"
>"and then Schumer rode elongapes to saurkrauter lederhosen cANAL"
>"butt fuck schumer's wife was peanut butter and jealous"
>"and then Schumer rode bannongapes up mount angus for ass apple tablets of tRReason taxes"
>"and then Schumer rode bannongapes up mount angus for ass apple tablets of tRReason taxes"
Frudeau is expressing emergency kilos relief extra hoooker shekels needed for starving truckers protest
SUPREMEleader Kim introduces organic, free range, gluten freeeee, 'ass wrecker' to far east
spammy fudge packin wonderland
what if you and DANvilingus just come out of the closet , so you can save everyone else all the vulgarities
"butt fuck then bannongapes wanted Schumer to ride him again"
Schumer's wife still mad juws died and left cuntry
retarded crpse tries to pick up direct deposit from Frudeau cuck
Frudeau can't lead cuntry