who is the Ethiopian the Queen Liz is photographed bowing to?
They are just trying to connect the alleged killing to the Internets.
They try to frame us.
it's a BS narrative.
They need to link the online free speech areas with killing in order to have a reason to shut it down.
More "School Play"
"days of our Lives" baloney.
yeah, they want to make you think they can create a killer through a chat room.
I wonder why
/pol/ is so gullible
The killer must have the FED storm trooper who harassed our board?
they are so desperate; it's sad.
They framed Donald Trump
You think they would neglect to do that to the the 2nd only to Trump target of their vitriol?
>The' killer ' must have been the FED storm trooper idiot who harasses our board constantly/
they have to attach it to the Internet, since they have to have a reason to shut it down.
Are they lying.
they always add a little hook for the 'conspiracy theorists"
Just fattens they pleasure they take from their little jokes?
It's called Easter Eggs. Gives something for the conspiracy researchers to twirl around on.
Could be a killed man, but it's hard to know.
"Aj" and "orange drink" speculate on the "death" ot "AJ;s " earlier Identity.
It's a big joke to these fucking jokers.
And does tend to trivialize the fact they do murder many people
pathological liar; Munchausen authentic, no by proxy.