Anonymous ID: 9e81e1 May 27, 2022, 3:07 p.m. No.16352701   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Enchanted NPCs in Orange coveralls, a ritual celebrations of the completion of the large Gotthard tunnel.


"Hoppin' with creepy demon energy!"

Anonymous ID: 9e81e1 May 27, 2022, 3:33 p.m. No.16352849   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Remember premature infants being tossed on the natal ICU floor by the Bad Nation people could steal the incubators and take them home to their capital old Bagdad.


This story was originally told in tearful testimony by a girl who turned out to be the Kuwait ambassadors daughter. (video)


MSM reporters in DC actually knew the child personally from many parties they are on record as having attended, parties where she was introduced, at the Kuwaiti embassy by her ambassador father.


Every MSM DC correspondent, anchor and producers knew her for the parties they attended in her home. MSM broadcast the story anyway, hundreds of times.


Dead Babies, Courtesy of a New York PR Firm



"That’s where a hearing held by the Congressional Human Rights Caucus in October 1990 played a major role in making the case for war.


A young woman who gave only her first name, Nayira, testified that she had been a volunteer at Kuwait’s al-Adan hospital, where she had seen Iraqi troops rip scores of babies out of incubators, leaving them “to die on the cold floor.” Between tears, she described the incident as “horrifying.”


Her account was a bombshell. Portions of her testimony were aired that evening on ABC’s “Nightline” and NBC’s “Nightly News.” Seven US senators cited her testimony in speeches urging Americans to support the war, and George HW Bush repeated the story on 10 separate occasions in the weeks that followed.


Subsequent investigations by Amnesty International, a division of Human Rights Watch and independent journalists would show that the story was entirely bogus — a crucial piece of war propaganda the American media swallowed hook, line and sinker. Iraqi troops had looted Kuwaiti hospitals, but the gruesome image of babies dying on the floor was a fabrication.


In 1992, John MacArthur revealed in The New York Times that Nayirah was in fact the daughter of Saud Nasir al-Sabah, Kuwait’s ambassador to the US.


Her testimony had been organized by a group called Citizens for a Free Kuwait, which was a front for the Kuwaiti government.


MSM claims they were fooled, but they knew all along and only when the gossip kept growing did they concede the fake and delivered it with whitewash. MSM was not fooled. Every DC correspondant for major networks, exectives and producers are on record as attending paries in the Kuwait embassy where she was introduced by her ambassador father.


MSM social control operations must be protected at all costs, they are far more important than the political future of a puppet president of the United States.


If We the People lose faith in MSM, their hold on the sleepwalkers is broken and can't be regained. They'll do anything to prevent that, even, if necessary, MSM will taking down Joe Biden. Limited exposure - anything to retain control of all they have left - their weakening hold on the minds of NPCs.

Anonymous ID: 9e81e1 May 27, 2022, 3:55 p.m. No.16352994   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3008 >>3060 >>3123 >>3132

The Handler


The Aga Khan is leader of the Isma'ili sect, whose 20 million members are sometimes described as Muslim, though they're viewed as heretical by both the Sunni and Shia sects .


The Ismalis are the direct descendants of Hasan al Sabah's Assassins, a terrorist group who held the middle east tributary with illusion and terror for ~ 400 years.


>The Assassins (aka Nizari Ismailis), were a heretical group of Shiite Muslims who were powerful in Persia and Syria from the 11th century CE until their defeat at the hands of the Mongols in the mid-13th century CE.


The Assassins maintained networks of covert agents in every country and capital, sleepers who worked deep cover sometimes for decades, carrying on successful businesses, raising families, before being activated for assassination or other purpose.


The assassins sleepers proved to be 100% loyal, willing and able to carry out assassinations or terrorist acts even at the expense of their own lives.


How did the Assassins command such loyalty from agents embedded for years in the heart of 'enemy' nations and cultures?


We know they used techniques that we would call brainwashing. Hypnotism, illusion, drugs combined with occult rituals to initiate adherents with absolute incorruptible loyalty which did not erode over time, was not weakened by prosperity or suffer in competition with love of family.


Above all else, the faithful were loyal to the order of the Assassins.


The Assassin's headquarter of Almut was conquered by Genghis Kan's grandson, Hulegu. in 1276, and the order said to have vanished taking the indoctrination procedures and technology with them to historical oblivion.

Except that they did not vanish they changed their name.


The vast majority of the Assassins, enormous networks of fanatical agents where scattered across the known world survived the destruction of the mountain fortresses and the order rapidly reconstitutes itself as the Isma'ilis.


The Aga Khan attended Harvard and was on Harvard Lampoon. Since then he has cultivated an image in the popular press as a moderate cultivated Muzzy, a race horse owning secular playboy who happens to have inherited the leadership of the Isma'ili sect.


The heir of Hasan al Sabah's Assassins is certainly familiar with and likely to have improved upon the mind control technique of 800 years ago, and thus a highly trained and expert handler of cultist puppets like Justin Trudeau.


Also worth noting is the fact that the Assassins were allied to and shared operational secrets with, the Knights Templar. The Knights Templar also reconstituted their order under a new name when their order was dissolved by Pope Clement V and their headquarters attacked by the King's forces, over run and leader Jacques DeMolay executed by Phillip IV of France.


The Templars became various strains of masonry and their activities use many of the same tactics as the Assassins, infiltration of key government positions, hidden control of 'grass roots' groups and individuals. By oath, their highest loyalty, above nation and family, is to the masonic order and fellow masons.


Successful operational tactics are never discarded, they are updated and continue in use until they become ineffective. Is Aga Khan Trudeau's handler? IDK but he runs to Aga daddy in time of stress. JT can probably count on Isma'ili support for the moment, as far as it goes, but like the historical Assassins and the Templars the Ismai'lis can't fight a nation state or an aroused population.


The Great Awakening is big trouble for the masons, the outer corps of dupes and an inner council of amoral occult artists and sociopathic manipulators, the heirs to the Templars' occult rituals and assorted brainwashing techniques.

If those techniques weren't so effective we'd have more masons confessing here and fewer shills.

Anonymous ID: 9e81e1 May 27, 2022, 4:09 p.m. No.16353087   🗄️.is 🔗kun




A secretive Pentagon program that started on Trump’s last day in office just ended. The mystery has not.


WAPO is platforming this for a reason.


Why did DJT secure a big block of IPs? Prolly to foreclose against planned misuse IDK. It is an Information War.

Anonymous ID: 9e81e1 May 27, 2022, 4:16 p.m. No.16353140   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Aga Khan Museum in Toronto CA.


The premiere mind control practitioners of human history right at home in Canada, equal rights for all!


'''The Ugly Falcon Ring'"

Anonymous ID: 9e81e1 May 27, 2022, 4:35 p.m. No.16353242   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3249



North Pacific 'garbage patch' shows abundance of neuston organisms


Prior research has shown that there is an abundance of neuston in the Subtropical North Atlantic Gyre, which forms the Sargasso Sea—parts of which have been labeled the North Atlantic garbage patch, due to the huge amounts of human garbage that has accumulated there. Neuston is a term that has been coined to refer to floating lifeforms on the sea surface, and a gyre is a spiral or vortex, where water turns like clouds in a hurricane only much more slowly. Because the spinning is in the form of a vortex, material at the outer edge is pulled toward the center, which is why neuston and garbage tend to coalesce in them. In this new effort, the researchers wondered if there were similar numbers of neuston in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre, which has over time come to be called the North Pacific garbage patch (NPGP) due to the large amount of human garbage floating in its center.


The work by the team was called the Vortex Swim—a sailing expedition in the NPGP that lasted for 80 days. The route taken by the I Am Ocean sailing vessel, was plotted using a numerical drift model—the team wanted to see what sorts of creatures were living among the densest parts of the garbage in the patch. As the ship sailed, a trawling device was dragged along behind to capture living creatures. The team also attached a General Oceanics Mechanical Flowmeter to the trawl to measure the volume of water in which the specimens were found.


In all the team collected 22 samples, 12 from inside the central gyre and 10 from outside, for comparison purposes. Specimens in the samples were identified and counted as were garbage samples. In studying the samples, the researchers found that as with the Atlantic Gyre, large numbers of neuston in the NPGP were concentrated near its center. They also found that concentrations of neuston were in the same proportions as the garbage.