did you REALLY expect a different outcome?
>Kek…all the faggots waiting for Durham…and he loses right out of the gate.
and you get new and improved NOFRIES with your giant nothingburger.
>Did you forget?
no… we all DIED waiting for the cavalry that never came.
>Why if Russia stands in their way to NWO?
because the direct force approach not only failed, it backfired. they will PRETEND to play nice, regroup, and look for a more underhanded way to eliminate putin… car accident, poison, disease, assassin, whatever.
>right now should be the time for the twist to plot
so you're saying option is not a failure?
this pacification op is working beyond their wildest dreams, as the gun confiscation ramps up.
>People are waking up more and more every day.
NONE of the normies i associate with have budged one micron. if anything, they're more entrenched than ever.
now tell us how that's a good sign.
>Do you plan on living forever?
yes, actually i do. anything less is self-defeating. now go get your booster, moran. and don't forget to BUY an extended warranty on all your toys.
>which part of "show" do you not understand?
what part of "pacification op" do YOU not understand?
>I do not mind to die for freedom
the GREATEST oxymoron of all time. how 'bout we start KILLING for freedom?