Excalibur is being currently used to cut the tentacles of the beast.
Not many left to cut. The warriors are making sure the tentacles do not regrow and they are being dried like twigs.
A lot has been taking place. Not many are noticing what is really going on.
It's exhausting. Whatever you think it's going to happen, it's not going to happen. It is amazing, but it's not going to smooth at all.
I hope so.
There are 2 reasons why it's taking this long: the first is the size of the beast. Potus came in thinking there is a 100 tentacle to cut. When he got inside, he discovered there are thousands and not just a hundred.
The second is us. We have not been waking up fast enough and a large number of us are halfway awake, not fully awake. And despite all the hints given to us, we decode things as is fitting to us individually and not as the truth is.
Let me ask you: Erdogan good or bad?
Bin Salman good or bad?
Ivanka and Jared are a big riddle.
I know what I'm gonna say is not nice, but maybe going insane is the way to get out of the Matrix.
It's exhausting. Maintaining that balance for decades drives one to the edge. And a lot are still in the prison of their minds and they are happy to be inside that illusion of a prison. A lot don't want to wake up because they are comfy in their illusion.
I want to break that. I want to shatter it. I want them to feel like someone slapped them in the face. Because of their comfy mode of living in an illusion, people all over the globe are dying and suffering. It's like sleeping on a bed of corpses and since it's comfortable, they don't mind sleeping on it.
The MSM is just a tool. The real problem lies within each person = they only think of themselves and not about others. We can only defeat the beast when we start caring about others like how we care about ourselves.
I fully agree. I think we need to start teaching people of being compassionate by setting the example in everyday life. I've been trying to do that for a long time. I've had success and I've had failures. The reason for my failures was the huge amount of selfishness inside the persons.
Brings back old memories, dear memories when I had this same conversation with someone gone.
I'm not talking about here. I'm talking about inner balance.
For what reason? Is it mentioned?