Are you making a reference to the spiral of animist proto-religions? The "Q-Clock" is a spiral as well, it doesn't mean what you've been taught it means.
Does the popular vote decide Presidential elections?
No, it never has. The ELECTORAL COLLEGE votes are what matter.
Your opinion never mattered.
The only way to win is to not play.
The Fiji gold mine is completely reliant on imports. They only started selling tap water to make the round-trip shipping profitable. The water is probably contaminated with acid from the goldmine just a few km away.
What was it DeSantis said, something like, "They attack you when you're over the target."
>America has other problems.
Anyone else here about a year long planned shortage of 15W-40 and 20W-50 for diesel engines, that will inhibit truckers from getting oil changes, due to a planned shortage of diesel specific additives?
I saw a video of a guy using water in his Ford Diesel DEF tank for over a year with no problems.
The Electoral College decides the US Presidential elections not The People.
You commie shills from Israel, China, and the Ukraine should read a book.
The establishment and role of the Electoral College is spelled out in Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution. It was modified by the 12th Amendment in 1804 and the 23rd in 1961.
How electors get picked varies by state, but in general state parties file slates of names for who the electors will be. They include people with ties to those state parties, like current and former party officials, state lawmakers and party activists. They're selected either at state party conventions or by party central committees. Each presidential candidate gets their own unique list of names on their slates.
Abolish it, keep it, it doesn't matter.
The TWO Parties conduct and control the elections. They work together to give the people the illusion of choice, regardless of the "rules".
$3.16/gal for 95 Octane (Premium) in Russia.
Is that how sanctions work, dumbass?