>"first arrest will be mass awakening"
Q never said that. Q said "First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening."
Pop doesn't mean population. Just like "mass" in "worldwide mass suffering" doesn't mean mass as in massive.
>"first arrest will be mass awakening"
Q never said that. Q said "First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening."
Pop doesn't mean population. Just like "mass" in "worldwide mass suffering" doesn't mean mass as in massive.
What's the matter don't like the Truth?
Mass Pop Awakening. Mass suffering.
The Pope, the so called "Holy Father" and catholic mass.
The chair serves the master. The chair of St. Peter.
The false apostles of Revelation 2.2 (Popes) base their false apostolic succession off Peter.
As stupid as she is for doing it, it's not illegal because it's not an actual American flag if it was made with 51 stars.
It has to be an actual flag of the United States and be mutilated, defaced, or defiled.