Biden sniffed her so hard her soul was consumed.
San Antonio. SO much MK-Ultra activity there.
I hope he deletes all of Biden's bot followers.
I hope paradise is like this plane, but perfect. I want a body, I want to live in a city or town, everyone's good, everybody's white and straight. We just exist in perfect existence forever. Please, please God, no niggers in Heaven, they don't deserve it. Send them to monkey heaven, let them have all the mixtapes and gold chains they want, but make them live separately.
If Jesus destroys the world, I hope I don't have to suffer much. I hope it's instant.
give him his (you) you sadistic fuck
The Kingdom's in the afterlife though. Not this shitty world.
PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT. SOOOO much funny business that day, we'll never know what actually happened. I'm not gonna pretend this guy's some hero.
Fuckin' niggers ruining everything. They're literally half a step above monkeys.
Tell us when Q's going to come back, faggot.
niggers are still niggers, tho
I stocked up on your mom's pussy. I have enough to keep me 'till rapture.
Imagine how hard the MSM would've chimped out if Trump's sons said this.
What a shitty race.
You have to be pretty retarded to get molested by a guy that fat. Just fuckin' spin move around him.
your mama
go back to reddit.