Thanks to the bake who came up with the Bread title
A look into reasons for the Sherman murders in Canada, eh? 2017
Time for their hangings, appears on the horizon
So, Is this where Antarctica comes into play? After reading most of this article: from 2017
I think it is clear this is what the jabs were designed to do.
Where does a human hide when the overlords want every single human alive today, dead?
Just a thought.
Wouldn't Antarctica be a lovely, safe spot to avoid contact with people? Are they growing a new colony of peeps there right now?
Does the shedding of the molecule continue and whether or not you got the jab, naturally infected or infected by carriers, we will all be infected by this it seems.
Is there no hope?
Then you saying are not smart enough to use a spell check or dictionary?
It depends on how long it's been there.
why did yt remove the dates of publication on the vids?