BREAKING!! New Mexico Election commission (comprised of republicans) are saying they ARE NOT certifying the primary votes no matter what a judge says. CNN showed a vid clip of one saying he'd rather go to jail if he has to than certify an illegal election.
We don't need it tied to gold. We don't need it tied to anything but the full faith and trust of the American People. The only thing we have to do is print our own money, not 'borrow' it off of a group of families. All we have to do is get rid of them. Everything else will take care of itself. I am talking about corruption here
I knew it. The central bankers want to destroy the American Dollar by whatever means necessary. I keep telling you anons: We got to get rid of our 'central bank' and all of the world's central banks. They are the ones who set up and put in motion this war against the American people. Against all the world's people as well. Fuck 'em.