Most USELESS SHILL AWARD CEREMONY to be held June 21, 2022
Nominations so far, see pics
Most USELESS SHILL AWARD CEREMONY to be held June 21, 2022
Nominations so far, see pics
Nomination 4 for the MOST USELESS SHILL AWARD…kek
>"ban genital mutilation"
I do not disagree with the sentiment, I disagree with the repetitive, useless shilling. If this SHILL were serious, shill should direct enrgy at those who could actually make a difference rather than just shitting up the board!
Just like that, anon! You are brilliant, NO ONE CARES about useless bullshit. The world has way more important issues to deal with right now, like the criminal price of gas, the criminal destruction of food sources, the criminal murder of our children…the list goes on.
USELESS SHILL AWARD, two more nominations…we can sort out the duplicates later.
And the shills like this game, keep popping out, nomination 7 I think?
>useless bullshit posts
Because they are useless, bullshit posts and they piss me off. If I saw them once per bread, well, easy to ignore, but these USELESS FUCKS are relentless and I reached my boiling point. Suck it!
The GUY went of course so he could grope another woman, forgot he was on a bike 'cause he was so horny and GOD took him down! End of story.
*off course…
When you get with God.
I was thinking about the whole 'you will bugs' agenda, and rather think that they are going to further inundate our food processes with the flesh of humans because they NEED US to be as EVIL as they are in order to satisfy their master! Do NOT eat anything processed.
>and use violence to solve our problems
I agree that the EVIL needs to be stopped, but what kind of violence are you talking about, anon? While I would not blink more than a few times at lining these fucks up and shooting them from the ankles up until dead, but I do not believe that is what will set our souls at ease for the Great Awakening.
Happy fucking birthday to me, June 21…bastards ruin everything!
Happy early birthday to you too, anon…Let us pray together our energy's combined will fuck them all over in their insidious plans for us!