Shallow to deep side, doesn't seem supernatural, just an animal that knows the score.
They were pariahs, given the opportunity to leave for a new land where they could settle and worship as they see fit. They were brought over late in the season and pretty much dumped on the shores of North America. almost half died that first winter, mostly from lack of ability to establish shelter and food for the harsh northeast winters.
Notable alignment
New York City
Los Angeles
>Houston & Boston Coming
Like Sessions, Carter is a misguided choirboy. They left him out of all those fun gatherings. They should have installed him as the head of research, smart guy but zero common sense or street smarts.
Pretty sure a picture of Pappy and McStain getting the lethal injection.
Is that you C_A, F_I,MOS,CCP
Why don't you bigot shills go over to half chan and annoy them for awhile. Your Bullshit is so transparently overt and pesky.
You should leave now, run…. Where on earth will you be granted a place ? Nowhere.
Naah, you are what you spew. On the other hand this anon believes WWG1WGA is more than just about this movement and that you have forgotten where we as humans actually originated.