Go play your games on HM. Literally no one cares. I look forward to not reading any of your responses.
Bold is the new red text amirite? At least you're wearing a uniform. Makes for easy filtering. I appreciate it.
It's becoming obvious that your desperation to discredit Q's posting is driving your team to basically shit the bed. Now you are rolling around in it.
By the way kids, the phrase that gives it away is "It's becoming obvious". This instantly frames it in your mind such that it is already proven true, thus bypassing your critical factor. Such phrases are important in persuasion or "conversational hypnosis"
Be on the lookout for the above phrases and phrases like these below. These are used to frame ideas and limit your ability to think about things:
Sooner or later…
I wonder if you realize… yet?
I know you're wondering…
You may notice…
When you realize…
Will you… now or…. later?
You might realize…
and many more!
Now that we've learned a few of the key phrases that are used to frame your perceptions, let's try a few out!
It's becoming obvious that they are panicking.
Sooner or later they'll realize they've lost.
I wonder if you realize how fucked you are yet?
I know you're wondering when the hammer is going to drop.
You may notice the walls closing in.
When you realize everything you've worked for is crumbling before your eyes…
Will you backflip now or wait until your indicted and do it later?
You might realize it's over.
Nice testimonial. I totally trust you and believe you to be thoroughly authentic and not a shill.
Pro-tip: When engaging in any campaign, testimonials (even fake ones) are extremely important. People give more credence to testimonials EVEN IF THEY KNOW THEY ARE FALSE! People are weird but that's how they work.
Another framing phrase to limit your ability to think about something deeply. AT THIS POINT why bother right?
It's important to learn these things to inoculate yourself against disinformation campaigns.
This is the "No True Scotsman" fallacy! No true Scotsman would stand for such a thing harumnph harumph!
Know your disinfo tactics!
The topic of conversation is about what a real Scotsman would do spanky. Keep up.
That's right! And that's why I'm trying to educate those who are interested in the difference between things that are evidentiary versus based on logical fallacy and emotional appeals. And logical fallacies and emotional appeals are what the "Q is fake" crowd is pushing. So logic indicates they are either disingenuous or too stupid to be doing this work.
There has been no such evidence. There is speculation on one side and a 50 digit alphanumeric code to break on the other. There is no known technology available that can rationally do what you're stating.
And if anyone has a way to reliably break that level of encryption, then literally no crypto wallet is safe.