"We defeated the wrong enemy"
neck yourself, jew
>"tHe nAziS wErE cOmMuNiStS!!"
Just following orders, goy
be my guest, nigger lover
noooo goys we need to unite with the niggers and the jews to save white america!
neck yourself, kike
white women in the usa love fucking niggers, so its no big deal for them
its so irritating how kikes come on to forums and prosthelytize at people like the fucking slimy rats that they are
keep your shit to yourself, shlomo
"Jesus" wasnt even the mans real name you filthy kike
how about we just kill all the useless niggers and be done with it once and for all?
muh love!
muh unity!
fucking pathetic faggots
whats your favorite flavor of zyklon-b, shlomo?
you kikes really are just asking for the final shoah, arent you?