Found her pic….
Then tomorrow is Wonton Wednesday…
7th floor…
>Santa Claus is as meaningless as the Tooth Fairy… and the Easter Bunny.
So you're admitting that Jesus is not meaningless…
So much panic…
The shills will tell us that Q is a psyop.
The shills will tell us that Q is a LARP.
The shills continually try to divide and discourage.
The shills post hate, in order to paint the anons in a bad light.
The shills arepanickingwhich is becoming very obvious.
When you think that things aren't happening, and we aren't winning. Just look to the shills, and ask yourself WHY ALL OF THIS EFFORT for just a LARP? They know it's real, they know that WE ARE WINNING! Their very presence here should be encouragement to anons. Keep the faith! Hold the line! We are winning, and the shills KNOW IT!
You probably need to clean up the link.
add index.html to the end of it and see if that works.
Don't vote…and hand it over to the left.
Voters will turn out in huge numbers, overwhelming [their] rigging. If they attempt to go back and "fix" it, then it will be 1000X more obvious than it was in 2020.
Not voting, allows them to simply walk away with it, unchallenged.
>It's funny that you think that the Repubs
It's funny that you mention democrats and republicans, when I specifically stated the left.
Shill harder faggot!
It was clearly not obvious enough to many. Sometimes you have to show them.