Anonymous ID: fee331 July 12, 2022, 7:39 a.m. No.16723032   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Are we there yet?


Yes. It is Orange Man's Day and the Night of Nights and Joe is flying to Jerusalem on this Night of Nights, so we're there. Just 2 moar weeks.


Speaking of Joe's Fantastic Voyage, "all July 12 Qdrops ever"

>>>16722363 (lb)

contain [Wheels Up] and [Wheels up]. Twice. One UPPER CASE "Up" and one lower case. Fwiw.


Forgot the Rohypnol Frozen Treats dude in my graphic.

Anonymous ID: fee331 July 12, 2022, 9:07 a.m. No.16723554   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I assume clockfags have chimed in by now that the 20.8 to 20.7 jittering that the scale weight display does before arriving at 21.0 could be seen to be 27:28 and today is 27:58 on the clock, [28] being the mirror opposite of [58].


Could be pointing at 28:07 too, I suppose, which is July 21st, a reverse 12th. Reversed 12th is also what the final 21.0 weight is. Many possibilities, but if it's comms (it is, duh) then it could be pointing at something crack-rock or scale related today or at some other corresponding time.


Speaking of "crack-ROCK" Tucker's Kid ROCK pen and Gold watch pointed at today as well. Gold is measured by weight.


[58] clock makes the rounds enough to seem like a big deal.