Representative Fischbach [House Committee on Roe]: The abortion industry is a $1.6 billion industry, and that's what the democrats are protecting.
[they are also protecting their source of sustenance]
Representative Fischbach [House Committee on Roe]: The abortion industry is a $1.6 billion industry, and that's what the democrats are protecting.
[they are also protecting their source of sustenance]
Representative Gohmert: The emphasis in their [Planned Parenthood] monthly director's meeting was not on the number of abortions…it was on how many young girls did you get started on birth control; the younger the better. They were taught through their directorship at Planned Parenthood, the younger you can get a girl started on birth control, the better the odds are that she'll forget to take the pill, she'll get pregnant, and then she will have an abortion.
Representative Jeffries calling the Roe decision, 'an assault by an illegitimate Supreme Court'.
Representative Lieu: MAGA, and far-right republicans, want government-mandated pregnancies for everyone, including 10-year old rape victims.
Representative Lieu: Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and I have written a letter to U.S. Senate, asking to make a finding on whether Justice Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, lied to the American people.