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Nazis And Odinism


“Many individuals who were involved in the rise of Hitler’s Third Reich were known to have been Odinists” (Baysinger). Although the extent to which Hitler and Nazis were involved in Odinism or its modern revival is controversial, there is ample evidence of a connection between Nazism and Odinism.


Neo-Nazis are not like the Nazis of World War II. Although they maintain the same practice of recruiting young, the reject many “traditional” Nazi ideas—for instance, while the Nazis of WWII Germany were proud to have discovered the “ultimate solution,” Nazis of today deny the Holocaust even happened. Nazism is becoming more linked with mysticism as well as Odinism as time goes on.


The biggest thing connecting Odinism with Nazism is the fact that Nazism is shedding its nationalist focus in favor of a racial one. While Hitler spoke of the German People, Nazis employing Odinism today speak of the White Race or Norse People—attributes that can span countries, even continents. With the ultimate goal of a transcontinental white only country, this is an important move to make.


Odinism and Nazism are clearly not mutually exclusive, and have a developing relationship that will have an important impact on the direction that the white supremacy movement takes over the next decade.






Special Guest: Ron Watkins


Why does white supremacist Odinism thrive in prisons?


What is white supremacist Odinism?

Bowman distinguished between the social origins of Wicca, Druidry, and inclusive Heathenry and those of white supremacist Odinism, which he called a “romantic cult that emerged from theosophy and traveled to modernity through the Nazi party.” He added, “They may claim to worship gods with the same names as some you know, but white supremacist Odinism is a fundamentally a different thing and must be understood it as such.” In contrast, Wicca and modern Druidry emerged from explicitly anti-fascist English-language traditions. Much of Neopaganism originated in the environmental and feminist counter-cultures of the 1960s.


Bowman considers most forms of white supremacist Odinism as henotheist. In a henotheistic cosmology, many gods are present but only one counts. All the others are mere “window dressing.” He thinks that white supremacist Odinists are for the most part hostile to Paganism, or dismissive of it as lesser or soft.


“White supremacist Odinism may seek shelter under the larger Pagan umbrella,” Bowman cautioned, but “they do not play well with others.”


History of white supremacist Odinist traditions

Madame Blavatsky (1831 – 1891), the German-Russian occultist, founded the Theosophical Society in 1875. Bowman argues that theosophy had a major influence on the development of white supremacist Odinism. Blavaksky popularized the swastika and promoted the idea of a superior Aryan race.


Theosophy influenced Guido von List (1848 – 1919), a romantic, pan-German writer. He developed the philosophy of armanism or ariosophy. Armanism refers to a supposed order of priest-kings of the ancient Germans. Ariosophy refers to the study of wisdom concerning the Aryans. Von List coined the term “Wotanism,” anglicized as “Odinism.” According to Bowman, von List had a great influence on Heinrich Himmler. Von List’s idea of the armanist priesthood formed the basis of Himmler’s Schutzstaffel SS.


After WWI, the Thule Society (1918 – 1925) formed the next link in this chain. That group founded the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (German Workers Party) in January 1919. Hitler reorganized the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei into the Nazi party in April, 1920. As he noted, the Nazis emphasized “romantic notions of a pan-German state,” which would rule the world.


Bowman argues that this appealed to humiliated WWI veterans.


Conditions in prisons that foster the growth of white supremacist Odinism


The isolation and violence of prisons forces most prisoners to need a primary social group for support and protection, as Bowman explains. This need may drive prison behavior. It increases the power of peer pressure.


Bowman stressed that prisoners can leave white supremacist Odinism if they have somewhere else to go. He said, “This usually happens when a prisoner begins to ask religious questions that cannot be answered by their alleged co-religionists, or head down historical or religious paths that vary from the tribal clique.”