To promote God through one religion among many that everyone alive today was born into, is NOT a logic of the person claiming that the religion is 'superior' to all others.
The flaw in your logic is that you are projecting YOUR OWN 'SUPERIORITY VS INFERIORITY' division against ANY religion that extends from a UNITED UNDIVIDED SOURCE CODE.
The global mafia is bigger than the Jews.
The evil isn't limited to one 'group'.
Your attempt to DEFEND AND PROTECT THE GLOBAL PEDOVORE MAFIA by trying to shove a square peg into a circle hole,IS FAILING
World is united against all, ALL, who do harm to children.
Tell your evil script writers: TICK TOCK
Don't you get it?
>Strawman argument and attempt at deflection
Projection. You're straw manning 'Jews' to protect and defend pedophiles who are of ALL 'backgrounds'.
Ah this is why there was that whole fake Jussie / Kamala psyop and 'anti-lynching' legislation.
It's so that they can pretend that nooses intended for pedophiles, are 'rEaLLy bEcAuSe oF rAciSm', to trick ANTI-racists into attacking the noose holders looking at the pedophiles.
The whole thing is a farce.
>Try harder with trying to convince people that Satanists don't have narrative power
Don't be stupid.
The global mafia IS BIGGER than the jews.
Nice try in trying to HIDE Satanists as jews to trick people into attacking this board exposong the satanic cult as 'anti-semite'.
You can cry.
You can whine.
You can't stop it.
Every have man being alive today are biologically descended from a single female, 'Mitochondrial Eve'. Eve had ONE FATHER, ergo everyone alive today is biologically descended from the same mother and the same father.
What you're doing is viewing YOURSELF as 'transcending' humanity by labelling yourself as 'by blood I am not of your, when biologically you are of me and of every other human being alive today.
Everyone's blood is red.
Every *human being
>I never said that non-Jews can't be criminals
You just continually 'accidentally' omit them from your fake outrage.
Selecting from a set based on religion, and omitting selection of THAT SAME SET based on religion, to push a predefined narrative to DIVIDE by religion, is not going unnoticed you stupid low IQ brainlet.
Reddit PEDOPHILES using gay people as human shields, smearing consenting adults as pedophiles to hide their own pedophilia.
These people are evil. They will sacrifice anyone and anything.
By pattern recognition there may be another imminent DDOS attack on this board.
Anon sees Bible as Hebrew Bible old testament, and Christian Bible New testament.
For Noah, and for any names in the Bible, names are not as important as the message.
We can 'name' the father of 'mitochondrial Eve' as 'mitochondrial Noah' if that works for you.
Biologically speaking, the Bible is correct that the entire human race as anyone can see it, was descended from one mother and one father.
We are all of the same family.
Division is artificial.
I seriously just got the Vanwatech DDOS screen minutes after I posted >>16763838
Reloading browser usually works.