"Elymas the mágos (for so his name is translated) opposed them". "Elymas" is possibly derived from the Arabic ‘alīm "learned" or "wise", and may be used to translate mágos. Bar-Jesus means "Son of Joshua" or "Son of Jesus" in Aramaic.
"Elymas the mágos (for so his name is translated) opposed them". "Elymas" is possibly derived from the Arabic ‘alīm "learned" or "wise", and may be used to translate mágos. Bar-Jesus means "Son of Joshua" or "Son of Jesus" in Aramaic.
So you're saying it should be unlawful for adults to consequentially make porn videos and put them on the web?
But then you're dictating that someone with a domain other than xxx can't have the freedom to post porn if they don't conform to your demands.
So do you agree with making it harder to buy a firearm?
What good is society if there is no freedom?
Do you want a king to dictate your behavior, or do you want to be the king that dictates others?
You sound like Satan, preaching authority rather than freedom. Wanting to achieve your idea of a good society by authority, law, and dictatorship rather than loving others as yourself and allowing them the freedom God granted them. Who made you judge?
So you claim free will, but want to deny others theirs?
What you speak of is not freedom, it's dictatorship.
The current "direction" is a show being put on for some to claim the necessity of certain laws, as has been done so many times before.
Freedom is not the cause of the way things are, others claiming their cause is more important to freedom and living in deception is cause of it.
>Why look at how Jewish you are! A person stands up against porn, and you have them as being against God, instead of the opposite.
It's not about the porn, it's about the freedom.
>No, Anon, Satanism has as its main tenet: "do as thou wilt", God had rules. His UNIVERSE is based on rules.
No, that's what's presented to you as satanism, that's not true satanism. Think "image". Think of what Peter was saying to Jesus when Jesus called him satan. Think about what Jesus said about those who close the door to heaven in peoples faces.
>That which does not follow the rules of the universe, is DISSOLVED by the universe. The law of action & reaction.
Our bodies dissolve, our Spirit does not.
>Which is what I put to you, what is the REACTION to a society that embraces personal (unbounded individualistic) freedom and porn?
It doesn't last become some dictator comes along thinking he knows best and people are lazy and want a king over them to handle what they don't want to think about.
>Why a WEIMAR society. Modern USA. A society headed precisely for the junk-heap unless it changes its orientation.
You're falling for the show. He said there'd be a great delusion.
>What good is supporting an orientation that is self-defeating and harms one's own people and society? Taking away that which you wanted (alleged) to protect in the first place (across multiple generations)?
>What good a freedom that ends up seeing freedom taken away?
Freedom is taken away by enemies of freedom, not by being free.
>My guiding motto is that "we should be kind, but not stupid".
>Allowing masses of others into our societies was kind, but stupid. So should not have happened.
You really like the word allow, like you're in authority.