>>>16778565 CNBC: Monarch butterfly is added to the international threatened species list (PB)
As usual, MSM Communist propaganda ignores the facts-
Remember when POTUS was telling assholes Brown & newsom in CALI that this is what they needed to do regarding all their fires?
(Of course many were set ON PURPOSE, too.):
The 2015 and 2017 fire seasons were the largest with more than 10 million acres burned each year. Human activities have disturbed ecosystems and raised the risk of wildfire in many regions. Extreme weather events, including storms, drought, and prolonged heat waves are also contributing to increased wildfire risk and longer wildfire seasons. These complex interactions driving wildfires coincides with a decades-long severe decline in monarch butterfly populations. Wildfires can damage habitat both in overwintering sites and along the migratory pathways. Larger, more frequent wildfires can remove can both milkweed host plants, and nectar producing plants during critical time periods, while directly killing adult and immature monarchs.
Carefully planned prescribed firecan be an important tool for managing habitat and creating opportunities for nectar plants and milkweed to grow. Burning can reduce fuels and maintain grasslands and open canopy forests with high diversity of flowering plants and shrubs. When timed properly, burning canstimulate milkweed and other grassland species to re-sprout post-fire and be available for adult monarchs. Burning small patches creates mosaics of vegetation structure and enables recolonization of burned areas after the fire. Burning should be avoided on sites where monarch eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults are present. Monitoring prescribed fire and other vegetation management actions is essential to determine whether the treatments are improving monarch habitat and food sources. https://monarchjointventure.org/blog/more-than-monarchs-effects-of-wildfire-on-monarch-butterfly-habitat