>Hitler should have killed all the Rothschilds while he had the chance, and he didn't
He didn't have that chance
His aim was to REDUCE the need for war, and its duration/necessity
As an Aryan he was bound to act in an honourable manner
2 is the main point I'd like to expand upon. PIVOTAL in the outcome of the war was the two Anglo Empires (English+American) directing their energies in a self-destructive manner, against their own interests, against Germany.
Hitler never desired war with either of these parties, deeply respected the actual PEOPLE of these nations (or at least their past and their potential), and sought to minimise their desire to be at war with Germany, and their reasons to be, without dipping into treating either dishonourably.
This counted out a "shock and awe" approach to England. It also counted out any actions that would have led to deeper commitment in those nations to war.
For Germany to win, USA had to remain out of the war. This meant having the Anglo-Germanic population of USA, itself beset with Jews in control of its media, stay out of the war.
Think of German behaviour in light of this.
What would more likely keep USA out of the war?
Treating Jews reasonably?
..by arranging their safe transport to Palestine
..by keeping them out of the war, in camps, that were well staffed and largely comfortable…
This the Germans did (despite propaganda to say otherwise). Kick out the Rothschild Banks and all the business arms of international Jewry but otherwise treat them fairly…
The aim was to reduce the need for war, and the duration that the other side would seek to sustain it.
His peace offers to France & England bear out this thesis too (offers to hand back French territory, aside from what they have stolen from Germany).
It turned out he underestimated the degree that Anglos would allow themselves to be used and dominated by Jews, but that is something 99.9% of people still do today, and he didn't have the benefit of FOREKNOWLEDGE to see Anglos would allow themselves to be so mistreated, and to such a degree as they did.
In his time Anglos were held in the highest esteem. They were literally the most dominant and supreme people on Earth.
German freedom ALWAYS rested on Anglos being able to act in their own interest, at least in part, instead of solely in the Jewish interest. This was an entirely reasonable assumption for Hitler to operate under, and explains his kind treatment of Jews, international businessmen, and the English and the like.
If the Anglos went into the war to the hilt, and remained there no matter their losses, with no regard for their own interests except service to Jews, Germany could not win.
He took the only path to victory possible.
By only asking for what was fair, and acting in a fair manner, he made it insane to go after Germany to the hilt.
And if Anglos had of had more wisdom in their behaviour (i.e. more sanity, and if Jews had of had any element of Aryan decency), or Anglos had not given 100% control of their societies to Jews, and left them that way, Hitler would have won and been recognised as a leader the equal of any in history (Ceasar, Alexander the Great etc). Germany would have been liberated, and Eastern Europe/Russia from its murderous Bolsheviks too.