The German is a smokescreen.
Google engineer warns new AI robot has feelings
>Skynet much?
It's illogical to allow niggers in your society and expect it to be functional. 100% guarantee Vulcans wouldn't allow niggers in their society.
inb4 you post that nigger from Voyager. Fuck all that liberal retcon bullshit.
We all have our glory days, anon.
oh oh grmupy old angry mean saggy decrepit defunt bag of bones on screamin and hostile
belligerent baby killer in chief
portraying self as scholar
sniff scholar
Pretty crazy how even if it was high jacked somehow the new drops correspond to current events and previous posts.. I say fuckin A! way to play the game..
“Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone."
>Would be poor taste to call and ask hey, did they get the shot?
does make it difficult..
If you are not a newfag yer one weak ass minded anon
Most battle hardened Anons don't whine…..
you said:
"Trump said you will get sick and tired of winning…
I'm sick and tired of libtards winning - he was right again!!!"
Your move…