2nd district in Arizona the district CodeMonkey is running in is a hotbed for attacks on native American women.
keep coming at my constitutional rights then i may just have to come after some of yours
Our car broke down in eastern Washington state back in the early 70s. We were standing by the road next to a cornfield trying to figure out what to do, next thing we knew, bullets or something were whizzing by. We ran up the road a bit and hitchhiked. Never went back for the car.
BREAKING BIGLY. CNN's Jake Tapper got pissed off at his interview subject; Brian Deese, The Director of the National Economic Council which reports to the President,who spoke with Jake from the White House Lawn. Biden was pushed in a presser about the baby formula shortage and why wasn't something done sooner. He dodged but the reporter said: The DNA shut the plant down in February. Joe interrupted: LOOK, here's the deal. I was notified of this in April and we did everything we could.
Timeline: problem found in Nov., Abbot Labs addressed in Dec, DNC shut down the plant in Feb. The guy kept doing the two-step (you know, all the president's team know the two-step: bullshit your ass of and avoid the question. Jake Tapper was having none of it. Then at the end, when the guy Brian was trapped, it looked like he fell over. The feed was cut.
This happened about 10 minutes ago. Can a skilledanon bring the vid to the board? It would be wonderful.
Soon…two weeks…the habbening will habben…for realz this time…
Q told her they stood with her now and always.
Maxwell is gangster. She didn't sing. She didn't flip.
why it doesn't play. is it virus?