i'm good
still not used to getting hit like that
Go fuck yourself & your dbl 4's k?
>run on the rims of a vehicle with four flats
Yeah, your 'use the broken system to fix the broken system" seems to work so well. Get a clue or two, dufus.
What the fuck is an Ultra Media.
Maybe slowing down, it is what it is
I don't get to hang with Day Shift much, normally Night Shift and the really cool kids that can go through Graveyard Shift as we go for the Dawn.
Metrics as opposed to quality? You some kind of bankster?
Post rate slowing or not is irrelevant. Love anons have for each other (no homo) growing exponentially. If 8kun and /qresearch/ is fizzling out, why are you here then?
This presentation is worth a 100+ memes.
Post it far and wide, for all normies to see.
Who ever the new bo is you are doing a good job.. It's cozy here the past 2 days now that most of the shills have seen themselves to the door.