I remember getting confused by laugh tracks. Unfunny shit being laughed at used to make me question what I found funny.
SNL was funny. Gilligan's Island was not.
I remember getting confused by laugh tracks. Unfunny shit being laughed at used to make me question what I found funny.
SNL was funny. Gilligan's Island was not.
In 2017, the Department of Education published a report warning that public school employees "groom" and then commit "adult sexual misconduct" against 10% of all K-12 students.
They define "grooming" as the process of isolating and manipulating a child.
some people don't know when to stop, Kek.
Kek, you sound like my ex. She could read two books a day and do so while a middle-aged man played shoot-em-ups on a 1200W 7.1 THX system shaking the house.
It's a really long story and while interesting, gets really nerdy and technical for big portions of it. Suffice it say, sound arranged to time can do miraculous things.