The best is yet to come.
Today, the #USArmy celebrates 247 years of defending the Nation since our establishment on June 14, 1775. Always a ready force; past, present and into the future.
#ArmyBDay | #AlwaysReady | #Army247
Vid length: 2:48|168sec
never never nothing ever
ive found when words such as those above are used the mind using them is limited aka small.
>Read an article today that Janny Levelle was being held in a Fed Facility in Texas. Couldn't find which one though
wonder if this was it.
US Citizenship and Immigration Services
Compare the narrative and the state of awakened people worldwide today versus 10 years ago.
Anon says most significant habbenings in many hundreds if not thousands of years.
Tech entrenched on their controls.
The logic of (1,0) maybe needed to be implemented wide enough for a resonance detection with the dialectic inversion logic of the nwo to be 'sensed'.
CERN begins running at double their record energy level on July 5th.
I am getting weird vibes about the coming weeks.
Has anyone seen the key to the gates to hell?
It's also why they hate humanity. We can create, they can't. Their position at the top of our matrix enslavement system was always tinged with the knowing that without humans, they would have nothing. They are learning more about what 'nothing' feels like with each passing day.